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Windsurfing Team


Most teams work too hard and long hours, experience too much conflict,  stress, and demotivation, and vastly struggle achieving their potential. This is because every team member is
  • unknowingly sabotaging both their own and their team’s performance and wellbeing
  • subconsciously or consciously hijacked by negative emotions and stress
  • ​making assumptions and having unclear expectations
  • communicating ineffectively
​Mindset is the root cause of all these. Let`s say you as the leader think your approach for a problem is the best while another team member is thinking their solution would be best but s/he is concerned to tell you. How can you negotiate and find a common proactive solution? How much stress will s/he experience in case of working as the way you suggested? What will be the outcome of such stress and demotivation?
This is just a simple example and  challenges of team work go beyond and deeper. I will enable your teams to maximize performance. motivation, and wellbeing simultaneously by focusing on the root-level  of Positive Mindset via mental muscles that impact all.

Build & Support Resilient Teams driven by High-Performance & High Energy


My eight-week app-guided program stems from my evidence-based coaching and a globally success proven mental strength program  by Stanford university lecturer Shirzad Chamine-. It builds each individual’s resilience through training on three mental fitness.  Starting in week 7, the app modules enable a team to assess their strength on the 8 Pillars required for high performance and high levels of engagement and wellbeing:


  1. Mutual Accountability

  2. Communication

  3. Self-Awareness & Empathy

  4. Fun

  5. Diversity & Inclusion

  6. Earned Trust & Psychological  Safety

  7. Healthy Conflict & Debate

  8. Common Purpose & Shared Values


Sustained Results for Business Growth

(Reference: Shirzad Chamine`s global study on mental strength)



Sustained Results for Personal Growth

(Reference: Ayse B Cinar`s international research)



To Be the One Coaching provides
`ALL in ONE` for your team through this programme.
It is pro-active and tailored with
success proven techniques





So let`s talk about your journey towards success!

According to the business report and recent articles, the year 2022 is going to see contemplation turn into a talent war. as almost everyone is thinking about moving on to or looking for a a new role or position.


`Now more than ever before, people are doing the mental and emotional legwork wondering:


  • Is my boss a jerk? Are they kind?

  • Do my teammates care about me?

  • Does my organization stand for something?

  • Am I paid fairly, respected & valued?

  • Is the culture something I can work in?

  • Is hybrid or flexible work allowable?

  • Am I unfulfilled or fulfilled in my role?`


That is why it is more important than ever to build a team culture around the 8 pillars required for high performance and high levels of engagement  and wellbeing - as I mentioned above-.

That is why it is more important that you build a common shield against the waves of challenges that you will come across in 2022. Connecting and supporting each other through a Positive Mindset is the Most Powerful Shield that will take all of you as ONE  to the Land of Success, Wellbeing, and Happiness.




Let`s start `Your Journey`by clarifying where to go and how to go.


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